Stiven Christie Management


Stiven Christie Management


Stiven Christie Management was established for forty years and represented actors of all ages throughout this entire period.

Regrettably however, due to personal circumstances, Stiven Christie Management ceased representing acting talent, in seeking work, on the 30th November 2022.

May I take this opportunity to let all the thousands of casting directors, producers, directors, creatives and money-men I have worked with, over these forty years, express my gratitude and thanks to all for your wonderful support, friendship and business.

It has always been an absolute pleasure to deal with you guys and the fond memories you’ve afforded me – whether it be with a casting director watching my actors in a live sit-com recording at BBC Shepherd’s Bush or BBC Glasgow, to flying them up to Scotland to view an actor’s stage performance, or to a client’s West End Stage Premiere or their West End Charity Film Premiere.

However, what I’m going to miss most, is the thrill and satisfaction of picking up young exciting talents, from Drama School, nurturing them, imbuing them with integrity and a third party perspective around the casting process and watch them steadily climb the ladder of success, culminating in seeing them ultimately picking-up their BAFTA awards! What a wonderful feeling!

Once again, thank you all and I wish you continued success going forward.

Take care and Aw Ra Best!

Dougie Stiven.